A mysterious and high-tech organization, named “E.V.E.”, quickly threatens to take over the entire city and, after being promoted at the end of the second level, Duke Oda is given power armor called the “Ice Combat Suit”. With this suit the player can use new and more lethal weapons; “Super Shot”, a plasma rifle, rockets, and a devastating fire attack. The player also has access to a jet pack with limited fuel that replenishes over time. The final boss of the game, the leader of E.V.E., is revealed to be a robot with artificial intelligence that is attempting to replicate its own ICE Combat Suits to take over Liberty.
A mysterious and high-tech organization, named “E.V.E.”, quickly threatens to take over the entire city and, after being promoted at the end of the second level, Duke Oda is given power armor called the “Ice Combat Suit”. With this suit the player can use new and more lethal weapons; “Super Shot”, a plasma rifle, rockets, and a devastating fire attack. The player also has access to a jet pack with limited fuel that replenishes over time. The final boss of the game, the leader of E.V.E., is revealed to be a robot with artificial intelligence that is attempting to replicate its own ICE Combat Suits to take over Liberty.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESWAT:_City_Under_Siege
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