Strider is set in a dystopian future in the year 2048, where a mysterious dictator known as the “Grandmaster” rules over the world. Hiryu, the youngest ever Super A Rankedmember of a organization of high-tech ninja-like agents known as the “Striders”, is alone tasked with the Grandmaster’s assassination. Hiryu begins his mission by infiltrating the Grandmaster’s capital at the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.
Strider is set in a dystopian future in the year 2048, where a mysterious dictator known as the “Grandmaster” rules over the world. Hiryu, the youngest ever Super A Ranked member of a organization of high-tech ninja-like agents known as the “Striders”, is alone tasked with the Grandmaster’s assassination. Hiryu begins his mission by infiltrating the Grandmaster’s capital at the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.
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